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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和元年11月の給食 のページです。





セサミトースト     牛乳     キャロットソースサラダ     ボルシチ

ボルシチは、ロシアの料理です。ビーツは、「ビート」や「ウズマキダイコン」とも呼ばれる、ほうれん草と同じアカザ科の野菜です。真っ赤な野菜で、甘みがありロシア料理だけでなくイタリア料理にも使用されています。 具だくさんのボルシチは、おいしかったようで残さずに食べていました。

【Today's menu】
Sesame toast, Salad with carrot dresshing, Borsch
Borsch is a Russian dish. The beet is vegetable of the same chenopodiaceae as spinach, also called “bear” or “Uzumaki radish”. It is a bright red vegetable, sweet and used in Italian food as well as Russian food. A lot of borsch seemed delicious to the students.


ごはん      牛乳     さばのみそ煮    ごまあえ    すまし汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled Mackerel with miso sauce, boiled vegetable with sesame dressing, Clear soup
Today’s lunch was Japanese food, a bowl of soup and two side dishes. I told students that I would like them to eat white rice and side dishes alternately.

11月27日(水曜 )の給食

きつねうどん       牛乳       甘酢和え          焼き芋


【Today's menu】
Udon, Boiled vegitable with japanse dresshing, Baked sweet potato

The sweet potato is harvested in autumn. It contains dietary fiber that helps the tummy, and vitamin C that helps keep the body healthy. There are various sweet potato dishes, but today’s school lunch is a simple baked potato. Students tasted the baked potato that was carefully baked in the school kitchen.


豆おこわ   牛乳   ささかまのかまぼこ   沢煮椀(さわにわん)

沢The word “Sawa” of Sawaniwan has the meaning of “many”. The shredded material represents a stream of water. Sasakamaboko no konohayaki is a dish baked in an oven with minced meat. It is called this because it looks like a leaf. The students tasted a dish that felt autumn.煮椀の "沢" は、たくさんという意味があります。千切りの具が沢のような水の流れを表します。また、ささかまぼこの木の葉焼きは、ささかまぼこに挽肉の具をのせてオーブンで焼いた料理です。木の葉のように見えることから、このような料理名にしました。秋を感じる料理を味わっていました。

【Today's menu】
Okowa, Grilled kamaboko, Clear soup

The word “Sawa” of Sawaniwan has the meaning of “many”. The shredded material represents a stream of water. Sasakamaboko no konohayaki is a dish baked in an oven with minced meat. It is called this because it looks like a leaf. The students tasted a dish that felt autumn.


ジャンバラヤ   牛乳     ひよこ豆のサラダ   アップルケーキ


【Today's menu】
Jambalaya, Salad, Apple cake
Red apples were boiled with white wine and put in a cake. The season for apples is from autumn to winter. The students were delighted with the cake that represented the season.


ごはん  牛乳   焼きシシャモ   大豆の五目煮   のっぺい汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled Shisyamo, Gomoku mame, Clear soup
ovember 24th is a Japanese food day because it means “good(ii) Japanese food(Nihonshoku)”. When I ask students what Japanese food is, they sometimes find it difficult to answer. In school lunch, Japanese food is a menu that includes rice, soup and side dishes that have been eaten in Japan for a long time. In recent years, food from various countries has been incorporated into the Japanese diet, and the diversification of food has progressed. I want the students to know the deliciousness and goodness of Japanese food, and for school lunch they have a menu of Japanese food three times a week.


クリームソーススパゲッティ     牛乳     サラダ   りんご


【Today's menu】
Cream sauce spaghetti, Salad, Apple

Today’s cream sauce spaghetti contains seasonal mushrooms. The students ate pasta with a cream sauce made from a variety of vegetables, meat and handmade cream sauce.


ごはん・小女子の佃煮   牛乳  和風厚焼き玉子  どさんこ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Japanese sand lance boiled down in soy sauce, Japanese omelet, Miso soup

Dried radish is a traditional Japanese dried vegetable. Thick-baked eggs were made by taking meat, vegetables, dried shiitake mushrooms, soup stock and dried radish, then mixing them with eggs and soybeans and baking them in an oven. The students ate all the ingredients for the baked egg.


茶めし      牛乳      キャベツのごま酢和え    おでん


【Today's menu】
Rice, Oden, Vegetable seasoned with japanese dressing

Today’s Oden contains 8 kinds of ingredients: ganmodoki, tsumire, kombu, satsuma-age, chikuwabu, potato, carrot and radish. The oden was boiled with soup stock. Students ate while enjoying the ingredients that were in it.


チリドッグ      牛乳     クルトンサラダ    野菜スープ


【Today's menu】
Chili dog, Crouton salad, Soup

Today’s salad had croutons made from savory bread in the school kitchen. Croutons with a different texture were put on the vegetable salad, so students ate the salad more happily than usual.


わかめごはん 牛乳  唐揚げ おひたし 蒸しさつま芋 みかん


【Today's menu】
Wakame-rice, Fried chicken, Steamed sweet potato, vegetables with japanese dressing, Mandarin orange

Today was the musical recital. Lunch was packed in a lunch box to reduce the time spent in class. We cooked each dish, cooled it, calculated the amount for each grade, and packed it in the lunch boxes. So, the school kitchen was very busy. The students were delighted to have the lunch box for the first time this year.


吹き寄せおこわ 牛乳 いかのしょうが焼き  さつま芋のみそ汁


【Today's menu】
Fukiyose-Okowa, Grilled squid with ginger sauce, Miso soup

There were various ingredients in this Okowa. In addition to meat and vegetables, we boiled potatoes, chestnuts, fried tofu and shimeji mushrooms. We cooked it together with broth and sticky rice. It is a dish that was decorated with ginkgo-shaped kamaboko to feel like autumn.


ココアパン 牛乳 鮭のソースかけ レンズ豆・ウィンナースープ


【Today's menu】
Cocoa bread, Grilled salomn with white sauce, Lentil soup

Today’s salmon cream sauce topping was made by mixing white sauce with the row of fall salmon Hokkaido. This white sauce was made by adding flour and warmed milk in butter. It was handmade in the school kitchen. The salmon with rich sauce seemed to be thought of as delicious by the students.


みそラーメン    牛乳   ガーリックじゃがバター  みかん


【Today's menu】
Miso Ramen, Potato butter with garlic, Mandarin orange
Mandarin orange is a food for winter. Let’s make a body that doesn’t lose to a cold by getting plenty vitamins from mandarin oranges.


オムライス     牛乳      野菜サラダ      りんご


【Today's menu】
Omlet rice, Salad, Apple
Today’s omelet rice was thinly baked and cut into pieces. Students had chicken rice and they put the eggs on it in their classrooms. Omelet rice is one of the children’s favorite dishes. Students tasted and ate it.


ごはん  牛乳  さばの塩焼き  菊入おひたし   みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled mackerel, boiled vegetables seasoned with soy sauce, Miso soup
Today’s boiled greens contain yellow and light purple chrysanthemums. Many edible chrysanthemums are made in Yamagata Prefecture. We put the chrysanthemums of the fall in the boiled greens and made it colorful.


あんかけごはん    牛乳    里芋の甘辛和え     柿


【Today's menu】
Ankake rice, Fried taro with sweet and spicy sauce, persimmon
Taro is in season in November. The sweet and spicy dish is made by deep-frying taro and coating it with a handmade sauce in the school kitchen. It’s very popular every year. Students enjoy seasonal dishes.


マーボー丼      牛乳     バンサンスー     りんご


【Today's menu】
Mapo-doufu, Salad with Chinese dresshing, Apple
Bangsansu is a refreshing Chinese salad with glass noodles. Students ate all the Bangsansu with the school kitchen’s handmade dressing.


わかめうどん  牛乳  菊花団子(きっかだんご)   みかん


【Today's menu】
Wakame-Udon, Kikka-Dango, Mandarin orange

Kikka-dumplings are made with steamed sticky rice and meat dumplings. Sticky rice was put on the meat dumplings and finished to look like a chrysanthemum flower. The yellow dumplings were colored with curry powder. Students tasted a dish that felt autumn.


セサミパン     牛乳     ミートパイ     ABCスープ


【Today's menu】
Sesame bread, Meat pie, ABC-soup
Meat pie is often eaten in Australia. Handmade meat pie from the school kitchen were wrapped in pie dough and baked in the oven. Students were delighted with the meat pie after not having them on the menu for a long time.







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