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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和元年10月の給食 のページです。





メキシカンカレーピラフ  牛乳  ひよこ豆のサラダ  かぼちゃのドーナッツ


【Today's menu】
Pilaf, Garbanzobean salad, Pumpkin donuts
Today’s donuts were made with steamed and crushed pumpkins. The donuts, carefully shaped, shaped, fried in oil and sprinkled with sugar in the school kitchen, were delicious.


カレーうどん    牛乳   大学芋  セレクトフルーツ(かきまたはりんご)


【Today's menu】
Curry Udon, Daigaku-iko, Select fruits(Apple or Persimmon)
The sweet potatoes used for candied sweet potatoes were imported to Japan from China around 1600. It’s called Satsumaimo because it was brought from Ryukyu, now in Okinawa, to Satsuma in Kagoshima. Many students said “I want to eat this again!” because they like it with the school kitchen’s handmade sauce.


ごはん   牛乳    ししゃもの南蛮漬け   大豆の五目煮   いもこ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled Shisyamo marinated in a spicy sauce, Gomoku-ni, Clear soup
In the Tohoku region, there is an event, “Imoni-kai”, where families and friends gather together to make Imoko-soup and eat it together. Imoko-soup contains plenty of taro, meat and vegetables. I plan to use seasonal taro next month.


黒砂糖パン  牛乳  鶏肉のレモンソース焼き  サラダ  ミネストローネ


【Today's menu】
Brown sugar bread, Grilled chicken with remon sauce, Salad, Minestrone
Today’s grilled chicken with lemon sauce was made in the image of the Greek dish Kotopro Lemonato. It includes lemon, white wine, olive oil, grain mustard and honey. A mellow lemon sauce was made by using grain mustard, which has almost no pungent taste.


ごはん    牛乳    さんまの塩焼き    ごま酢和え   かきたま汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, salt-grilled saury, vegetable salad with sesame dressing, Beaten egg soup

Seasoned saury with salt was baked carefully in the school kitchen. It’s a side dish that goes well with white rice. Many students said that “It’s delicious!” and “I want to eat again!”.


マーガリンパン    牛乳    シェパーズパイ    麦と野菜のスープ


【Today's menu】
Margarine bread, Shepherd's pie, Scotch broth
The meaning of the name of Scotch Broth is broth (soup) of Scotland. It’s a traditional Scottish dish in the UK. It’s a simple soup with meat, vegetables and wheat in it. Lamb meat is used when made at home, but pork is used for school lunch.


カレーライス       牛乳      ごまだれサラダ      りんご


【Today's menu】
Curry and rice, Salad with sesame dressing, Apple

There is such a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This saying means that the nutrition of apples is good for our health, so we won’t get sick. Students ate nutritious seasonal apples today.


ソフトフランスパン   牛乳   白身魚のトマトソースかけ   ポトフ


【Today's menu】
Soft baguette, White fish with tomato sauce, Pot-au-feu
Today’s white fish with tomato sauce was inspired by the food of Provence in southern France. It contains herbs such as garlic, olive oil, rosemary and basil. Students ate delicious fish with the school kitchen’s handmade sauce.


ごはん 牛乳  ちゃんちゃん焼き  コロコロキュウリ  すまし汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Chan-chan yaki, Boiled Cucumber, Clear soup

It’s said that the name of Chan-chan yaki salmon comes from the fact that it makes a “chan-chan sound” with the iron plate and spatula when baking. Another story is that “Tochan(father)” makes it, and another being that people make it “chaccha(speedily)”. Students ate all the Chan-chan yaki with miso, 5 kinds of vegetables and salmon.


おかかごはん     牛乳      ぎせいどうふ    石狩汁


【Today's menu】
Dried bonito rice, Gisei tofu, Ishikari-jiru

Gisei tofu is a dish that is steamed or baked with eggs and vegetables in crushed tofu. Gisei means “making it like the real thing”. It’s a nutritious dish in which we can eat beans, tofu, eggs and vegetables. Students ate all of it.


スパゲッティミートソース   牛乳   ハニーサラダ   りんご


【Today's menu】
Spaghetti meat sauce, Hunny Salad, Apple

(Preparing now)


栗ごはん     牛乳     めひかりの磯辺揚げ    呉汁


【Today's menu】
Chestnut rice,  Fried small fish,  Miso soup

October 13th is “Juusanya”, the second moon viewing of the year, in autumn. Moon viewing is held twice a year, first on Juugoya and then on Juusanya. Doing only one of the moon viewings is called Katamizuki. It’s not auspicious, so we watch the moon on both days. Juusanya is also called Kuri-meigetsu and Mame-meigetsu because it’s a season for chestnuts and beans. For today’s lunch, chestnuts were used for the Juusanya menu.


五目焼きそば     牛乳     ポテトの香味和え    柿


【Today's menu】
Yakisoba with seafood, mixed vegetables, and thick sauce,  Steamed potatoes,  Persimmon

“Bareisho” is another name for potato. A Japanese scholar named Oranzan said that potatoes are called Bareisho in China. So it’s said that potatoes were called “Bareisho” from them.


ココアパン   牛乳    秋のグラタン    キャベツスープ


【Today's menu】
Cocoa bread, Autum gratin, cabbage soup

Today’s gratin contains mushrooms and minerals. It was made to feel like autumn. Gratin using white sauce and cheese can be eaten easily by students, even those who don’t like mushrooms. So it’s served every autumn.


わかめごはん 牛乳  魚の紅葉焼き  からし和え みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Wakame rice, Momiji-yaki, vegetable seasoned with japanese dressing, Miso soup

Today’s lunch was Momiji-yaki, which is grilled fish with sauce made with mayonnaise and grated carrots. The sauce on the fish has a beautiful color, like autumn leaves, so I named the dish after them. It’s a dish that has autumn leaf-like carrots as decorations and we can feel autumn.


プルコギ丼   牛乳    豆腐とわかめのスープ   牛乳


【Today's menu】
Bulgogi Bowl, Wakame soup, Japanese, Japanese pear

The Korean food bulgogi is grilled meat. Today’s bulgogi-don was seasoned with onions, apples, ginger, garlic and other seasonings. It seemed delicious, so students ate all of it.


ごはん   牛乳   鮭のお宝焼き   ごまあえ  みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Salmon otakara-yaki, vegetable seasoned with sesame sauce, Miso soup
We made salmon otakara-yaki with sweet potatoes, edamame, pumpkin and handmade sauce for the salmon. The colorful decorations on top look like jewels, so I named the dish after this. Students ate and enjoyed autumn salmon in the fall.


ごはん    牛乳      酢豚        中華風スープ


【Today's menu】
Rice, Sweet and sour pork, Chinese soup
I sometimes hear voices saying “I’m not good at eating mushrooms.” or “Is there shiitake mushroom for lunch today?”. Shiitake contains vitamin D, which works to make bones strong. Shiitake are not only nutritious, but also taste delicious, so they are used for various dishes in school lunches. I want students to experience that deliciousness.


ごはん・のりの佃煮  牛乳  和風厚焼き玉子   ちゃんこ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, laver boiled down in soy sauce, Omelet, Chanko-jiru
Chanko is a sumo wrestler’s meal. Chanko soup contains many ingredients such as meat, fish, mushrooms and konjak. This is a local dish of Tokyo, it spread from Ryogoku to the rest of Japan. I’d like to introduce various local dishes this month.


鶏南蛮うどん   牛乳     おさつチップス    おひたし


【Today's menu】
Udon, Vegetables dressed with soy sauce, Sweet potato chips
Today’s lunch featured sweet potatoes, a fall food, which were sliced and fried to a good color with oil. Students from all classes said “I want eat it again!”. This month, seasonal sweet potatoes are served in various dishes.







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