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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和2年7月の給食 のページです。





五目チャーハン     牛乳     わんたんじる   フルーツポンチ


【Today's menu】
Fried rice, Wantan-soup, Fruit punch

Today’s school lunch included fruit punch after a long time. This time, it contained domestic pineapple, peach, canned mandarin and melon. It’s a dessert that makes you feel better during the hot summer season. This year you will have school lunch in August. I want to cook school lunches that the students can enjoy well in the hot August.


たこめし      牛乳     コロコロキュウリ      呉汁(ごじる)


【Today's menu】
Tako-meshi, Boiled cucumber, Gojiru

Octopus rice is a local dish of Hyogo and Mie prefectures. Today’s octopus rice is made with a lot of ingredients, including fried tofu, four kinds of vegetables and mushrooms. Go-soup is a miso soup-like dish containing ground soybeans. It is a dish that is delicious to eat, with the moist soybean flavor.


ごはん    牛乳    鮭の塩焼き    大豆の五目煮   みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice,  Grilled salmon,  Nimono, Miso soup
Regarding Japanese food, I tell students to put their rice on the left and soup on the right. There seems to be various reasons for such tableware placement. I told the students that they could have a smooth meal by putting the most-lifted food, rice, on the left and the second most-lifted food, soup, on the right.


高野豆腐のそぼろ丼   牛乳   もずくスープ   不思議な目玉焼き


【Today's menu】
Soboro don, Soup, Mysterious fried egg

“A mysterious fried egg” is a dessert made from milk jelly and a yellow peach. It looks like a fried egg. The students seemed to be happy with the dessert, which was served for school lunch after a long time.


明日葉パン  メダイのバーベキューソース 粉ふき芋 イタリアンスープ

パThe vegetable called Ashitaba, used in today’s bread, and the sea bream are special products of Hachijojima, Tokyo. I would like to introduce the ingredients made in Tokyo. Today’s Italian soup is the soup named “Stracci Terra” in Italy. It seems to mean that the rag has become jumbled and that it is an old rag. It seems that this name was given because the beaten egg looks like a piece of rag. It is a soup made from bread crumbs, grated cheese, and eggs that is delicious, even with a light seasoning.ンに使われる明日葉という野菜と、魚のメダイは東京都八丈島の特産物です。東京都で作られる食材も、紹介していきたいと思います。今日のイタリアンスープは、イタリアでは「ストラッチャテッラ」という名前のスープで、「ぞうきんがぐしゃぐしゃになった」や「ぼろきれ」という意味があるそうです。溶き卵が布切れのように見えるところからこの名前が付けられたようです。パン粉と粉チーズ、卵で、淡い味付けでも美味しく食べられるスープです。

【Today's menu】
Ashiaba bread, Grilled fish , Steamed potatoes,  Stracci Terra

The vegetable called Ashitaba, used in today’s bread, and the sea bream are special products of Hachijojima, Tokyo. I would like to introduce the ingredients made in Tokyo. Today’s Italian soup is the soup named “Stracci Terra” in Italy. It seems to mean that the rag has become jumbled and that it is an old rag. It seems that this name was given because the beaten egg looks like a piece of rag. It is a soup made from bread crumbs, grated cheese, and eggs that is delicious, even with a light seasoning.


ごはん      牛乳       アジフライ    あさづけ    みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Aji fries,  Asazuke, Miso soup

The season for horse mackerel is summer. The Aji Fries were fried in the school kitchen so that you could enjoy the texture of the coating. Every class ate it without leaving anything on their plates.


スパゲッティレンズ豆ミートソース 牛乳 ごまだれサラダ パインアップル


【Today's menu】
Spaghetti,  Salad,  Pineapple
The pineapple for today’s school lunch is from Okinawa prefecture. The students tasted and ate the sweet flavor of pineapple.


わかめごはん   牛乳   五目玉子焼き   みそ汁   冷凍みかん


【Today's menu】
Rice, Omelet, Miso soup, Frozen mandarin oranges
Every year, I am asked by students how to make frozen tangerines. The frozen mandarin oranges for school lunch are prepared by freezing mandarin oranges collected in Wakayama prefecture at the factory. It seems that the factory make a thin ice film on the orange peel and freezes them. Students enjoyed a summer staple dessert, frozen tangerines.


ごはん・のりとひじきの佃煮 牛乳 ししゃものごま焼き 野菜のうま煮


【Today's meni】
Rice, Tsukudani, grilled Shishamo, Japanese stew
Today’s tsukudani of nori is handmade in the school kitchen. I told the students to eat cleanly without leaving any rice with tsukudani of nori and hijiki behind.


ナン   ・  カレーシチュー  牛乳   タンドリーチキン  コーンサラダ


【Today's menu】
Nan, Curry, Tandoori chicken, Salad
Nan, curry and tandoori chicken are Indian foods. The red color of tandoori chicken comes from paprika powder. Tandoori chicken seems to have been easy for students to eat because it spiciness is not so strong.


じゃこと枝豆のごはん 牛乳 いかのしょうが焼き 冬瓜汁(とうがんじる)


【Today's menu】
Edamame rice,  Grilled squid with ginger sauce, Tougan soup

The season for edamame is summer. I told the students that edamame will become soybeans. Winter melon was used for lunch today, too. It looks and feels like daikon, But I want students to remember the vegetable called winter melon.


カレーピラフ 牛乳 オニオンドレッシングサラダ かぼちゃドーナッツ


【Today's menu】
Pilaf,  Salad,  Pumpkins donuts
Today’s donuts were made using seasonal pumpkins. The pumpkin season for the winter solstice in December is summer. It is difficult for us to be aware of the season because various vegetables are available all year round. But I want to tell the students about the seasonal ingredients and their deliciousness.


ごはん   牛乳   鯖(さば)の塩焼き   ごまあえ   みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Grilled Mackerel, Boiled Vegetables with sesame dressing, Miso soup

Today’s lunch was Japanese food, a bowl of soup and two side dishes. It is the first time to have this school lunch for the first grades. Today’s serving seemed difficult for them. I told the students that I would like them to eat white rice, side dishes and soup alternately.


四川風やきそば   牛乳  ごまだれポテト  バレンシアオレンジ


【Today's menu】
Yakisoba,  Fried potatoes with sesame sauce,  Oranges
You can see Valencia oranges from foreign countries, but domestic Valencia oranges are used for school lunch. In Japan, they are grown in Ehime and Wakayama prefectures.


マーガリンパン     牛乳    ムサカ   スープスパゲッティ

ムMoussaka is a Greek gratin dish that uses eggplant in the summer. It’s a dish of meat sauce and white sauce layered on top of cheese and baked. But today, brown roux was used instead of white sauce. It is roux which is made by frying wheat flour with butter until it becomes brown. Students ate all the tomatoes in the summer vegetables dish and all the moussaka made of eggplants.Moussaka is a Greek gratin dish that uses eggplant in the summer. It’s a dish of meat sauce and white sauce layered on top of cheese and baked. But today, brown roux was used instead of white sauce. It is roux which is made by frying wheat flour with butter until it becomes brown. Students ate all the tomatoes in the summer vegetables dish and all the moussaka made of eggplants.サカとは、夏が旬のナスを使ったギリシャのグラタン料理です。ミートソースとホワイトソースを重ね、チーズをのせて焼く料理ですが、今日はホワイトソースではなく、ブラウンルー(小麦粉を茶色くなるまでバターで炒めたルウ)を使いました。夏野菜のトマトとナスを使ったムサカを残さず食べていました。

【Today's menu】
Bread, Moussaka,  Soup

Moussaka is a Greek gratin dish that uses eggplant in the summer. It’s a dish of meat sauce and white sauce layered on top of cheese and baked. But today, brown roux was used instead of white sauce. It is roux which is made by frying wheat flour with butter until it becomes brown. Students ate all the tomatoes in the summer vegetables dish and all the moussaka made of eggplants.


七夕寿司        牛乳       舟きゅうり      七夕汁

今scattered sushiscattered sushiscattered sushi日は七夕メニューです。七夕寿司には、星型の人参を、七夕汁には星型の麩(ふ)を入れました。1年に1度の行事食を味わってほしいと思います。

【Today's menu】
Scattered sushi,  Boiled Cucumber, Tanabata soup
Today’s school lunch is a Tanabata menu. Tanabata sushi contains star-shaped carrots, and Tanabata soup contains star-shaped wheat bran. I want students to enjoy this event food once a year.


ハヤシライス      牛乳      ハニーサラダ      メロン

ハHoney salad is a salad made by slicing potatoes fried in oil, boiling vegetables, and putting them in a honey dressing. It’s very popular.Honey salad is a salad made by slicing potatoes fried in oil, boiling vegetables, and putting them in a honey dressing. It’s very popular.ニーサラダは、油で揚げたせん切りポテトと、茹でた野菜をはちみつ入りのドレッシングで和えて食べる人気のサラダです。

【Today's menu】
Hashed beef with Rice, Salad with honey dressing, Melon

Honey salad is a salad made by slicing potatoes fried in oil, boiling vegetables, and putting them in a honey dressing. It’s very popular.


キムチチャーハン  牛乳  小アジの唐揚げ  わかめと玉子のスープ


【Today's menu】
Kimchi fried rice, Fried fish, Wakame soup
The kimchi fried rice for school lunch is prepared by dipping kimchi in the pickle soup so it doesn’t get too spicy. Every year, students request kimchi fried rice, which has delicious meat and vegetables.


ソース焼きそば  牛乳  ビーンズポテト 河内晩柑(かわちばんかん)


【Today's menu】
Yakisoba,  Fried beans and potatoes, Kawachibankan
Today’s sauce yakisoba contains squid and vegetables. The students tasted and ate the yakisoba with various ingredients.


ガーリックフランス 牛乳 グリーンサラダ いんげん豆のクリーム煮


【Today's menu】
Garlic toast, Salad with sesame dresshing, White Stew
In June, when school lunch began, I created a menu so that students could eat with only two dishes. From July, there will be one more addition to the lunch menu. It seems that even first graders have gotten used to preparing for school lunch. For lunch in July, I want students to taste and eat a variety of dishes and get good nutrition.







住所:〒131-0041 八広二丁目36番3号
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