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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の スクールライフ の中の 今日の給食 の中の 令和元年6月の給食 のページです。





こぎつねごはん  牛乳  いかのねぎ塩やき  きのこのすまし汁


【Today's menu】

Because the color of fried tofu is similar to foxes, and because it is the favorite food of foxes, dishes using fried tofu are called sometimes “kitsune(fox)”. Students were eating today’s lunch and saying “Delicious.”. They ate rice with fried tofu with the soup stock and seasoning.


四川風焼きそば   牛乳   ごまだれポテト  れいとうみかん


【Today's menu】
Stir fried noodle with sauce,Fried potato with sesame sauce,Frozen oranges
This morning I heard many students say “I’m happy I can eat frozen oranges today.”. Frozen orange is a fruit that is requested each year. Last month, the first graders seemed surprised by the coldness, texture and taste of frozen oranges. But today they thought it was delicious.


マーガリンパン 牛乳 照焼チキン ポトフ バレンシアオレンジ


【Today's menu】
Margarine bread, Teriyaki chicken, Pot-au-feu, Orange

Pot-au-feu is a home cooked meal in France. It contains plenty of vegetables, potatoes, bacon, wieners and lentils. Students ate much of the pot-au-feu with lots of ingredients.


ごはん・のりとひじきの佃煮 牛乳 小アジの南蛮漬け 豚汁


【Today's menu】
Rice with tsukudani, Fried Small horse mackerel marinated in a spicy sauce, Miso soup with pork and vegetables

It is said that Tsukudani is a dish created in Tsukudajima in the Chuo ward of Tokyo. This Tsukudani, served with seaweed, was boiled slowly with soup stock, seasoning and refined sugar. Students ate all the Tsukudani with rice.


フィッシュカレーピラフ 牛乳 ミネストローネ フルーツポンチ


【Today's menu】
Pilaf with fried swordfish, Minestrone, Fruit punch
Today’s pilaf contained fried swordfish. We combined buttered rice with fried swordfish, sweet stir fry vegetables and curry powder. Students were tasting a lot of pilaf.


明日葉パン メダイのバーベキューソース 粉ふき芋 スープ


【Today's menu】
Ashitaba bread, Grilled fish with barbecue sauce, Steamed potato, Soup

Ashitaba is a vegetable that is often grown in Hachijojima, Tokyo. Also, today’s Japanese butterfish was caught in Hachijojima. I want to use ingredients of Tokyo to show their goodness and quality.


わかめごはん 牛乳 ししゃもの二色焼き 五目煮 みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Wakame rice, Two-color fried Shishamo, Gomokuni,Miso soup
Today, we made two-color fried fish called shishamo, mixing green sesame with one shishamo and white sesame with the other. The lower grades ate just one shishamo, mixed with green sesame and plain sesame. Today’s lunch was a filling Japanese menu, and it seems that every dish was delicious.


スパゲッティなすのミートソース  牛乳   サラダ プラム


【Today's menu】
Spaghetti meat sauce, Salad, Plum

Today’s fruit is seasonal plums. They are available each year during this season. The students have various impressions about the sweet and sour taste of plums, which they are not used to eating. But, I want them to feel the season with seasonal fruits.


梅おかかごはん 牛乳  コロコロキュウリ  野菜のうま煮


【Today' menu】
Japanese apricots and Bonito flakes rice,Simmered meat and potatoes, Boiled Cucumber
Cucumber is a seasonal vegetable in summer. The dish Korokoro cucumber is boiled and chilled with salt. It is popular with students. I want them to eat many summer vegetables and not lose strength during the hot summer.


ビビンバ      牛乳     わかめスープ    すいか


【Today's menu】
Bibimbap, Wakame Soup, Water melon

Bibimbap is one of the popular menu items of school lunch. We put scrambled eggs into the rice, mix it with plenty of vegetables and seasoned flowering ferns and prepare handmade miso-flavored meat in the school kitchen. Students ate all the bibimbap with lots of ingredients.


高野豆腐のそぼろ丼    牛乳  すまし汁   さくらんぼ


【Today's menu】
Soboro-don, Clear soup, cherries
Cherries are in season from June to July, and many cherries are produced in Yamagata, Fukushima and Yamanashi Prefecture. Nowadays, a variety of foods are harvested all year round, making it difficult to understand the seasons of foods. But I introduce seasonal fruits and vegetables via daily lunch. The seasonal ingredients are not only nutritious and delicious, but also make us feel the season. Students ate and tasted seasonal sweet cherries.


夏野菜のドライカレー 牛乳 わかめサラダ あじさいゼリー


【Keema curry,Wakame Salad,Hydrangea jelly 】

We put seasonal green beans, eggplants and green peppers in curry. You can get students to eat plenty of vegetables with sweet raising and chopped, dried shiitake mushrooms if you put them in delicious curry. The hydrangea jelly was also popular. It was made with grape jelly and cider jelly and the image of hydrangea flowers.


ごはん 焼き鮭 糸こんにゃくの和え物 きのこのかき玉汁


【Today' menu】
Rice, Grilled Salmon, Konjac with Japanese dressing, Soup with beaten egg

Today’s lunch was Japanese food, a bowl of soup and two side dishes. Students love salt-grilled salmon. I told them that I would like them to eat white rice and side dishes alternately to better experience the taste.


冷やしきつねうどん 牛乳 ポテトのおかかまぶし 枝豆


【Today's menu】
Cold udon with deep-fried tofu, Steamed potato with bonito flakes, Boiled green soybeans
The first graders shelled branches of green soybeans during today’s first period. They saw the season’s green soybeans and worked hard to shell them. They, and the other children of the school, also ate deliciously seasonal green soybeans happily.


ガーリックフランス 牛乳 サラダ 隠元豆のクリーム煮


【Baked Garlic bread, Salad with sesame dressing, White Kidney Bean steaw】

Today’s ‘’chew chew menu’’ was garlic bread. Baked garlic bread is a popular menu item. We made red toast with paprika powder and green toast with parsley. I told students that you should think about the utility of chewing and eating.


ごはん・小女子の佃煮  玉子焼き ごまあえ みそ汁


【Today's menu】
Rice, Young lance fish boiled in soy sauce, Omelet, Spinach dressing with sesame sauce, Miso soup

Today’s ‘’chew chew menu’’ was young lance fish, called Tsukudani. It was very sweet. Students ate all the white rice. I told them that, if you chew well, it will help with periodontal disease prevention and obesity prevention.


冷やし中華 牛乳 スナックひよこ豆 パインアップル


【Today's menu】
Chilled Chinese noodles, Snack chichpeas, Pineapple

Today’s ‘’chew chew menu’’ was snack chickpeas. Boiled chickpeas were baked in the oven for about 50 minutes and finished crispy. It is a dish from which the smell of spices increases your appetite. I told students that, if you chew well, it is good for digestion.


ごはん  牛乳  いかのチリソース  中華風スープ


【Today's menu】
Rice, Fried squid with chili sauce, Soup

I plan to provide a “chew chew menu” for the four days from today for Teeth and Mouth Week. Today’s menu was squid with chili sauce. I told students to chew 30 times for each bite. I also told them that, if you chew well, your head will become active.


米粉パン  牛乳  シェパーズパイ  ABCスープ


【Today's menu】
Rice flour bread, shepherd's pie, ABC Soup
Today’s soup contains alphabet macaroni. Students said “I made my name with macaroni.”, “ I god my initials.”. While having fun, they ate a soup full of vegetables.







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