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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼 令和5年1月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Jan., 2023 のページです。


今週の朝礼 令和5年1月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Jan., 2023


朝礼の講話をご紹介します。  Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!

令和5年1月30日(月曜日)  「誕生日」  3年担任M.K.先生



Monday, January 30th, 2023 "The Birthday" by Ms. M. K., a third-grade teacher


Today, I'll talk about birthdays. What month of the year were you born? I was born in January. I couldn't celebrate my birthday this year because I was sick in bed. I wondered how people in the world celebrated birthdays and studied them. I'll introduce four of them.

The first birthday is of the Netherlands and Germany. It's the one who celebrates someone's birthday that prepares the birthday party in Japan. However, among the people in the Netherlands and Germany, the one who is having a birthday organizes their birthday party. The one who is celebrated will host their own birthday party. It's opposite to our custom. Moreover, the one whose birthday it is will give sweets to families and friends. It's nice to say thank you to families and friends, as well as to hear people say, "Happy birthday!"
The second birthday is in Hungary and Italy. On birthdays, the one with a birthday looks happy. Yet, in Hungary and Italy, people look like they’ve said, 'ouch!' Why? It's because families and friends pull down their earlobes after they open birthday presents. In Italy, people pull down on the earlobes for each year of a person’s age. It'll be hard when we get older! This custom means they wish to live for as long as their earlobes reach to the ground.
The third birthday is in Brazil. In Brazil, people throw flour and eggs at the one with a birthday. For some reasons; the custom began because people disliked making birthday cakes. Also, a chick is born from an egg. Brazil is the country of Carnival! A daring celebration!
The fourth birthday is in Canada. In Canada, people put sticky, oily things, like butter, cream, and oil, on the nose of the one with a birthday. This custom protects the one with a birthday from misfortune and unhappiness; they can slip away from bad things. They do this every year to wish for them to have no bad luck.
Today, I introduced some ways to celebrate a birthday in the world. It's said that Japanese people began to celebrate a birthday in 1949. Customs that are natural for us have their history and origins. Knowing the history and origins may let us enjoy the celebration of a birthday more. If you're interested, please check it by yourself, too.
Thank you for listening.

令和5年1月23日(月曜日) 「委員会とは?」 2年担任・N.K.先生


委員会とは、みんなの学校生活をより良くするための活動です。そのために、5年生、6年生が中心となって活動してくれています。では、第三吾嬬小学校の委員会はいくつあるのでしょうか? 今年、10の委員会があります。今日はその中で四つだけ紹介したいと思います。
階段のところや、掲示板にある月目標や週目標は、誰が張り替えてくれているんでしょうか? 実は、環境委員会の人たちがやってくれています。それ以外にも、みんながいつも遊んでいる芝を刈ってくれたり、外の花壇に花を植えてくれたりしています。

Monday, January 23rd, 2023    "About Students' Committees" by Ms. N. K., a second-grade teacher


I'll talk about the students' committees at our school. Students in the first and second grades may wonder what a committee is. Do you know what activities they do?
The students' committee is an activity to improve school life. The fifth and sixth graders do this activity.
How many committees do you think we have in our school? We have ten. Today I will introduce four of them to you.
You use soap in restrooms and hand washing places. Who takes care of the soap? The Health Committee members do. Also, they sterilize the school nurse's room and make a record of those who were injured.
You see the aims of the week and the month on the bulletin boards. Who takes care of them? The Environment Committee members do. Also, they mow the lawn you like and plant flowers in the flower bed.
All committee members except the Representative Committee are in the fifth and sixth grades. The Representative Committee members represent all the students and act in various events at school, like the "Welcome Ceremony for the Newly-incoming Students" and the "P.E. Festival." The third graders this year will be the fourth graders next April. If you want to be a member of this committee, you can be one.
Lastly, I'll introduce a new committee that just started last spring. The Welfare Volunteer Committee is new this year. What do they do? The Committee tries to improve our school life, making it better and safer. For example, they made a video program introducing the school to the first graders. Also, they raise funds for UNICEF, which the Representative Committee did before.
You can see the posters of all the committees on the bulletin board at the stair landing. The students from first to fourth grades, think about what committee you will join. The fifth and sixth grade students, please think about the ideas to improve our school life.
That's all. Thank you for listening.

令和5年1月16日(月曜日)「ゆるキャラ」について  2年担任O. Y. 先生


 皆さん、「ゆるキャラ」って知っている人? 「ゆるキャラ」っていうのは、その地域の特色―野菜とか、お魚とか、果物とか、お花とかがキャラクターの中に隠れているものです。今日は、先生のクラスでゆるキャラを書いてくれた人がいて、そのうちの二つを紹介したいと思います。
 このゆるキャラ、見たことある人? これは「ふっかちゃん」という埼玉県深谷市のゆるキャラです。このゆるキャラの中にも、何か隠れているものがあります。そうです。耳がネギになっていますね。あともう一つ。あるお花が隠れているんだけど、分かりますか?そうです。チューリップが胸ポケットのところに書かれています。深谷市は深谷ネギの生産地で、チューリップが市の花になっているので、ネギとチューリップが隠れていています。
 では、次です。このキャラクター、知っている人? すごく有名ですね。でもこのキャラクター、何か隠れているように見えますか? 見えないよね。あれ、ただのクマじゃないのかな? 実はこのキャラクターにも、ある野菜が隠れています。実はほっぺたがトマトの形をしている。熊本県はトマトがよく採れるので、実はくまモンにもトマトが隠れているんですね。
 では、ゆるキャラって、その地域とか場所の特色が現れているっていうことなので、先生は三吾小のゆるキャラを考えてみました。 紹介したいと思います。どうでしょうか? まずみんながかぶっている帽子をかぶっています。そして、イメージになっているのが、みんなの大好きなショコラです。灰色のうさぎになっていて、洋服はみんなが体育の時に着ている体育着。胸のところに三吾小の校章が書いてあります。ちょっとわかりにくいかもしれませんが、実はあるものを手に持っているんですが、何か分かりますか? 巻物? これは賞状に見えるかもしれないんですが、実は「三吾あいことば」が書いてある巻物を持っているという設定です。そして最後。うさぎの立っている場所はどこだか分かりますか。三吾小にはきれいな芝生があって、それもいいところだなと思って書いてみました。 こんな感じで、ゆるキャラはいろんな都道府県にあります。例えば、冬休みとかにお出かけして、お土産屋さんなどで見る機会があるかもしれません。そういうのを探してみても面白かなと思って今日は話してみました。これで私のお話を終わります。

Monday, January 16th, 2023 "Yuru-Chara (Costumed Mascot Characters)" by Ms. O. Y., a second-grade teacher

O先生作 三吾小ゆるキャラ

I'm going to talk about 'Yuru-chara,' today.
Do you know what a 'yuru-chara' is? 'Yuru-chara' is the mascot character of a local place in which we can see some of the main products of the area, such as vegetables, fish, fruits, flowers, and so on. Some students in my class drew some of them, which I want to show you today.
What about this? Have you ever seen it? This is 'Fuka-chan' of Fukaya City, Saitama Pref. There's something hidden in this character. Can you tell? Yes, its ears are Japanese leeks. There's one more thing hidden in it! It's a flower. Can you see it? We see a tulip on the chest pocket of his shirt. Fukaya City is famous for 'Fukaya Leeks,' and its symbol flower is a tulip. That's why they are drawn in the picture.
The next character is this. Do you know it? Yes, it's very famous. Do you think something is hidden in this character, too? No, it's just a bear. However, there's a vegetable in it, too. Look, his cheeks are tomatoes. Kumamoto is famous for tomatoes, so Kumamon has tomatoes on it.
A yuru-chara indicates some main products or characteristics. I drew a yuru-chara for our school! This is it! What do you think? First, it has a hat, the same as yours, on its head. Its image is from Chocolat, the rabbit, wearing the same sport shirt as yours, which has our school symbol. And it must be a little difficult to tell, but it has something in its hand, too. A scroll? You may say it's a certificate, but it's a scroll of the San-Azu Watchwords. Also, where do you think it stands? We have excellent turf on the ground. So, I've drawn the turf in the picture.
Like these, there are many yuru-charas in every prefecture and city. You'll find some when you travel somewhere. It'll be fun to find them. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.

令和5年1月10日(火曜日) 「うさぎ年の抱負」 川中子校長


 そのために、私は今年も、三吾小の学校教育目標を目指してがんばろうと思います。特に、「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になれるよう、努力しようと思います。そのため、お正月から本を読んで、勉強しています。三吾小の皆さんのために、何ができるか一生懸命考えています。先生たちとは、この1年のことを振り返り、もっといい学校にするためにどうしていったらいいか、相談を始めます。常に、「自分で」「自分から」を意識して生活しようと思います。
 皆さんは、今年、どんなことをがんばろうと思っていますか? 後で、それぞれのクラスで、自分は今年どんなことをがんばろうと思っているか、先生やお友達と話してみてください。

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 "My Ambition for the New Year: The Year of The Rabbit" by Principal Kawanago


Good morning, everyone, and a Happy New Year!
We had a Winter Vacation of 17 days. The weather was good and mild during the vacation. How have you been?
I mostly stayed home quietly, mourning my father's death last year.
By the way, this year is the year of the Rabbit, as I wrote in the Recitation News. Who was born in the year of the Rabbit? Me, too. I was born in 1963, sixty years ago.
We have twelve zodiac signs; the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Cock, the Dog, and the Boar. Please remember these for the Recitation Trial.
It's often said that the year of the Rabbit is "a year of a leap," like a rabbit leaps, we can achieve a higher goal. I want to make it a year of a leap this year. For that, I will try my best to achieve our school's educational goals. Especially, I'll try to be a person who learns, thinks, and acts independently. I started to study by reading books from New Year's day. I've been thinking hard about what I can do for the students. I'll review this past year and discuss what we can do for the next school year with the teachers of our school. I'll always think of "by myself" and "from myself."
What about you? What are the goals for this year? Later, please talk about your aspirations with your teacher and classmates.
I hope this will be a fantastic year for all of you!
Thank you for listening.




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