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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼 令和4年11月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Nov., 2022 のページです。


今週の朝礼 令和4年11月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Nov., 2022


朝礼の講話をご紹介します。  Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!

令和4年11月28日(月曜日) 「呼吸法」 5年担任E.S.先生

皆さんに早速ですがクイズです。人間は1分間に何回呼吸しているでしょうか? 1)10回。 2)16回。 3)20回。 3)が多いですね。正解は、2)の16回です。この呼吸が多くなったり少なくなったりすると身体に良くないそうです。皆さん、最近疲れるな、何かイライラするな、何か友達とけんかばかりしちゃうな、って思うことがある人? ありますよね。疲れますよね。イライラしますよね。実はそれ、自分は怒りっぽい性格なのかなって思っている人もいるかもしれませんが、呼吸が正しくできていないだけかもしれません。
 大きく分けて4つの呼吸法があります。1)生きるための呼吸法。皆さんが今している呼吸ですね。鼻から吸って、鼻から吐いている。2)身体を動かすための呼吸法。走っているときは、今の呼吸とは少し違いますよね。スースーハッハッ、って感じですよね。3)脳が目覚めるための呼吸法。4)身体を強くするための呼吸法があります。普段何気なくしている呼吸でも、これだけ私たちの身体に影響する。今日は皆さん、すごく眠そうな顔をしているので、脳が目覚める呼吸法を実際にやってみたいと思います。その場でやってみてください。これはその名も「息ぬきぬき体操」です。皆さん、朝、疲れてるなって感じたらやってみてください。簡単です。まず、手を胸の前でクロス。手のひらと手のひらを重ねてください。そのまま上に上げます。息を大きく吸いながら、身体を右、左と倒します。はい、ちょっとすっきりしたよ、って言う人? その人たちはとても上手に呼吸ができている人ですね。皆さんがこの一週間落ち着いて穏やかに過ごせるように、今日は私から呼吸法についてお話ししました。以上でお話を終わります。

Monday, November 28th, 2022 "Breathing" by Ms. E. S., a fifth-grade teacher

Good morning. I'm E., the homeroom teacher of 5-2.
I am asking you a question. How many times does a human being breathe in a minute? No. 1 Ten times. No. 2 Sixteen times. No. 3 Twenty times.
Many students chose No. 3. The correct answer is No. 2, sixteen times a minute. I hear that the number of breathes, more or less, affects our health. Do you feel tired, irritated, and quarrel with your friends recently? You do? Maybe you think you're short-tempered, but it's just because your breathing is wrong.
When we feel irritated, disgusted, and tired, our breathing becomes shallow, so we cannot take in sufficient oxygen, and we can't move our body and use our brain well.
There are four ways of breathing. No. 1 Breathing to live. The breathing you are doing now. You take in the air and let it out from your nose. No. 2 Breathing to Act. When you are running, you breathe differently. It's like, "Sss Sss Huh." Right?
No. 3 The breathing to wake up the brain. No. 4 Breathing to strengthen our body. Some of you look sleepy now. Let's try breathing to wake up the brain. Please try with me. The name of the exercise is "Breathing Out Exercises." Try it when you feel tired in the morning. It's easy. First of all, join your hands together in front of your breast. Put them up above your head. Breathe deep, and bend your body to the right and left sides. Did you feel clearer? You succeeded in breathing.
I talked about good breathing for you to live your life in peace during the week. Thank you for listening.

11月21日(月曜日) 「パイの実はなぜ六角形?」 1年担任H.R.先生



Monday, November 21st, 2022 "Why is a Pie-no-mi hexagon?" by Ms. H. R., a first-grade teacher


Good morning! The Music Presentation Day is coming closer! I believe you have been practicing hard for the performance. I'm looking forward to it! However, I'm going to talk about a different thing today.
Do you know this snack? Yes, it's "Pie-no-mi." Have you ever eaten it? Many of you! I like it very much, too. I will talk about the snack.
Ms. N., who's sitting next to me, gave me a Pie-no-mi the other day while we were working in the teachers' room. I said, "Thank you very much! You see, the shape of the snack is lovely!" Ms. N. laughed at me. "What? Don't you think it's a beautiful hexagon? Mr. H. laughed at me, too.
Then I said, "Why is it a hexagon, not a circle?" Ms. N said, "I've never thought about it before." Ms. Y. said, "I really don't know why," and thought about it with me. Then, Mr. H. said, "That's because a hexagon is a strong shape, isn't it? I heard that a honeycomb is strong because it's made of hexagons." I became curious about the shape of Pie-no-mi; why it is a hexagonal cylinder?
I tried to guess the answer when I got back home. I couldn't guess at all, but I just thought, "Is it because it's cute and easy to pick up?" I thought Mr. H.'s guess was right. I decided to look up the answer. I looked for the website of Lotte.
I surprisingly found that a Pie-no-mi is such a small snack, but it has sixty-four layers as a pie. That's why it's crispy like that!
I also found the origin of its name. There's a tree named Breadtree whose fruit smells like bread when it is burnt. The creator wished for a tree whose fruit was a pie. Names have the wishes and thoughts of creators. However, I couldn't easily find any reason why it is a hexagon. I tried to look for it the next day, too, and finally, I got to a certain article from an interview. A hexagon is a trademark for Pie-no-mi. The shape of a hexagon is useful for making pie dough to rise upward. To rise well, the form of the pie dough should be a circle. You see an apple pie, quiche, and other pies with pie dough are in the shape of a circle. However, when you punch out the dough, you'll waste a lot when you punch out in circles. That's why a hexagon shape is the best to make the pie. That is, you can make as many pies as possible that rise well when you punch out the dough in the shape of a hexagon.
Another reason is that the shape is cute, and it will make people love it.
So, my guess was half correct!
By the way, while I was looking for the website, I found some interesting information. That is, "Why is the package of Koala's March a hexagon?" Well, I won't tell you about it. If you're interested, please look for the website. You can do your homework with this, too. If you do, please show me!
Thank you for listening.

11月14日(月曜日) 「花言葉」 2年担任H.T.先生



Monday, November 14th, 2022 "The Language of Flowers" by Mr. H. T., a second grade teacher


Good morning, everyone! Today I, Mr. H., the homeroom teacher of 2-3, will make a speech.
So, look at this. What is this flower? (Morning glory!) Yes. It's a morning glory. I think you have grown it before. Do you know the meaning in the language of the flowers of the morning glory? It's "May tomorrow be fresh." It is because the morning glory blooms early in the morning. Like this, each flower has its own meaning in the language of flowers.
Next question. What flower do we give mothers on Mother's Day? (Names of flowers) It's carnation. Carnations have different meaning in the language of the flowers according to their colors. So, what about this red carnation's meaning? It's "Affection. Love for Mother." That's why we send carnations on Mother's Day.
The next flower is a flower of a vegetable. (Burdock!) It's the flower of a burdock. What's its meaning in the language of the flowers? It's "Don't bully me!" Strange, isn't it? The flower has many prickles around it. They look like they're saving the flower. That's why its meaning of this flowers is "Don't bully me!"
Also, the meaning of the dandelion is "God's Words, " and that of the violet is "Honesty."
Today I've talked about the language of the flowers. You see many flowers in the flower bed beside the gym. The Environment Committee members made some posters, on which you can see the meaning of the language of the flowers. I hope you will be interested in it when you see a flower. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.

令和4年11月7日(月曜日) 「拍手」 音楽専科・Y.I.先生


 みなさん、おはようございます。今日、谷貝先生は、これの話をしたいと思います。(拍手) 何でしょうか?(拍手!)そうです。今日は「拍手」についてお話しします。
 みなさんはどんなときに拍手をしますか? 友達の発表を聞いたとき。この間の体育学習発表会で、他の学年の演技を見たとき、日直のスピーチが終わった時、誰かのお誕生日の時などに拍手をすると思います。
 拍手は、何のためにするのでしょうか? 拍手をするときは、ただ手をたたいているだけではなく、発表してくれた人や演技をしてくれた人、演奏してくれた人に、素晴らしいね!すごいね!賛成だよ!素敵だね!おめでとう!という気持ちを表すためにしますよね。
 拍手は世界のいろいろな国でも行われています。世界でいろいろな国のスポーツの試合や演奏会などの映像を見たことがありますか? スポーツの素晴らしい試合をした後に拍手をしている人を見たことのある人もいると思います。

Monday, November 7th, 2022 "Hand Clapping" by Ms. Y. I., a music teacher


Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about this! (She clapped her hands.) What's this? Yes, it's hand clapping. Today I'm going to talk about hand clapping.
When do you clap your hands? It may be after your mates' presentation, after you saw the performance of the students in other grades on a Sports Day, after your mates' speech, or on someone's birthday.
What do we clap hands for? That's because we express our feelings: "Wonderful!" "Great!" "I agree!" "Beautiful!" and "Congratulations!"
People all over the world clap their hands. Have you ever watched some world sports events or concerts? Some of you have seen people clap their hands after games or concerts.
You know, hand clapping makes a high sound. No one's hand clapping sounds like a big drum, "Boom, boom!" The high sound of hand clapping makes us feel good and friendly.
We'll have the Music Presentation Day at the end of this month. I hope you'll give and receive a lot of hand clapping.
So, let's practice hand clapping. You should clap your hands after the performance ends. The conductor will turn back and bow after the play. Then clap your hands. Let's practice it. Thank you.
Like this, I want you to clap your hands after the performances of the students in other grades. Clap your hands with the feeling of "Great!" "You did it!" "It was a wonderful performance!" Also, practice hard for Music Day to receive praise.
It'll be the last Music Day in elementary school for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. Please do your best not to regret it.
That's all. Thank you for listening.

令和4年11月1日(火曜日) 「主体的である、誰かのためにがんばる」 川中子校長


 10月に、皆さんに、今年は「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」の目標の実現を目指して、主体的であってほしいというお話をしました。「主体的である」とは、自分で考えて、正しいと思ったことを、勇気を出して行動に移すこと。「自分で、自分から」です。今回の取組で、6年生や5年生がなぜキラキラ輝いて見えたかというと、それは、みんなが主体的に行動していたからです。
 あの日の5年生になったつもりでちょっと、考えてみてください。先生が、「6年生は遅くなってしまって、これからでは大変だから、5年生が手伝おうか?」と言ったとき、「えー、やだなあ。疲れてるし。6年生がやることになってたんでしょう?」と思ってしまったら、その後のお手伝いは頑張れそうですか? 嫌々やらされているときは、後で誰かによく頑張ったねと言われても、うれしく感じないでしょう。でも、主体的に、自分からみんなのために頑張ろうっと思ってやった人は、終わった後きれいになった校庭を見るだけで、満足できるでしょう。自分で「やった!」と自分自身を褒めてあげたくなると思います。誰かのために尽くすことは、本当に尊いことだからです。そして、そういう姿は、必ず見てくれている人がいるものです。

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022    "Being Proactive; Working for Others" by Principal Kawanago


Good morning, everyone! You did an excellent job on the P.E. Presentation Day last Saturday, with perfect weather. I know some of you are not good at P.E., but enjoying exercise and sports is essential, even if you can run fast or slowly. Regardless of the result, enjoying Presentation Day was very important. Did you enjoy the day?
I told you about the sixth graders' good work in the closing ceremony. The sixth graders took some photos for the graduation album, which took time, and their lunch was very late. They were supposed to put all the chairs and tables in order after the event, too. The fifth graders, who finished their lunch, did it instead of the sixth graders because it was a pity to have to do it after a late lunch. When I noticed them, I saw the fifth graders working so livelily, carrying tables and chairs into the gym through my office windows. They were like, "Leave it to me!" and looked bright. Also, they worked hard together; they finished putting them in order instantly.
I told you in October that I wanted you to be proactive to achieve our school educational goal: "Independence - A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently." "Being proactive" means to think by yourself, have courage, and act when you feel it's right. "By yourself, for yourself." The fifth and sixth graders looked bright because they were proactive themselves.
Imagine that you were the fifth graders of that day. Your teacher asked, "The sixth graders were late, and it'll be hard for them to put things in order after lunch. Why don't we help them instead?" Would you like to work hard if you think, "No way! I'm tired. The sixth graders are in charge, aren't they?" When you do a job reluctantly, I think you wouldn't be happy when someone said to you, "Good job!" However, if you are proactive and try to work for others, you would be satisfied only to see the ground is tidy. You may be proud of yourself, thinking "I did it!" Working for others is a marvelous thing. At that moment, there is someone that sees you working proactively.
Thank you very much, the fifth graders! I want to give you a big hand.
Being proactive and working for others will make you feel terrific. Now, it's YOUR turn!
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.




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