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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼 令和4年9月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Sep., 2022 のページです。


今週の朝礼 令和4年9月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week Sep., 2022


朝礼の講話をご紹介します。  Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!

令和4年9月26日(月曜日) 「体育学習発表会」 5年担任N.R.先生


今の小学校の運動会と言えば、短距離走、団体競技、表現。そして前は、全校競技、応援合戦、全校リレーなどがありました。全部で 30種類位を、1日に行っていたことになります。しかし、日本で初めて行われた運動会「競闘遊戯会」では、18種目しか行われていませんでした。その後、明治の終わりから、各小学校で運動会が行われるようになり、地域の人も参加して、楽しいイベントとなっていきました。

Monday, September 26th, 2022   "P.E. Presentation Day" by Mr. N., a third-grade teacher


Good morning! I'm N., the homeroom teacher of 5-3. The special schedule for P.E. Presentation Day has begun today. The P.E. Presentation Day this year will be held on Saturday, October 29th. Practice a lot for a good result on P.E. Presentation Day!
I will talk about P.E. Presentation Day today.
Some students might know that we have only recently used the title 'P.E. Presentation Day.' Do you know what we called the day before? Yes, it was 'Sports Day.' When was the first sports day held in Japan? It was in 1874. The first sports day was held in a naval academy where British instructors taught the students. That sports day was called the 'Competitive Games Festival.'
On Sports Day in elementary schools, we have short track races, team competitions, and physical activity displays. We had all students' competitions, cheerleading competitions, and all the grade students' relays, too, before Covid-19. We had about thirty games and competitions in a day. On the first sports day, the Competitive Games Festival, they had only eighteen. After that, around the end of the Meiji Era, elementary schools started to hold Sports Days, and gradually people in each town began to participate. Sports Day became a big local event.
Although it's still difficult to get back to the 'before Covid-19' event now, we'll have team games this year. Will the Reds win, or the Whites? I'm looking forward to watching you do your best. Stay safe until the P.E. Presentation Day!
That's all. Thank you for listening.

令和4年9月20日(火曜日) 「いろいろなものの違い」 6年担任T.S.先生


 最初はこれです。皆さんはこれを何と呼びますか? ウインナー? ソーセージ? いろんな呼び方をするんじゃないでしょうか? ではこの二つの違い、説明できますか?

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 "The Differences Between Things" by Mr. T.S., a sixth-grade teacher


Good morning, my fellow students! I'm T.S., the homeroom teacher of 6-3. I'm going to talk about the differences between things.
Let's begin. First, this. What do you call these, 'Wieners' or 'Sausages?' I think you'll have different names for these. Can you tell the differences between these?
As a matter of fact, a 'Wiener' is a kind of sausage. There are three types of sausages. One is 'Wieners,' and another one, the one you see at festivals, is 'Frankfurters,' and the other one is 'Bologna.' The difference is in their thickness. The sausage less than 20mm thick is called 'Wiener Sausage.' The one from 20mm up to 36mm thick is called 'Frankfurter Sausage.' And, the one over 36mm thick is 'Bologna Sausage.' Interesting!
Next, about eggs. We have two ways to write 'egg' in Chinese characters. '卵’ and '玉子.' Can you tell the differences between those two? We use the Chinese characters for different conditions of the egg; one is for the eggs before cooking, and the other is for after cooking. For example, we write '卵かけご飯' and '生卵,' and '玉子焼き' and '玉子丼.' Interesting!
Lastly, about dolphins and whales. Can you tell the differences between the two? We differentiate them based on their size. The one shorter than 4m is a dolphin, and over 4m is a whale.
You can find other similar things, too; the one that looks the same, but is different and the one that looks different, but is the same.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.

令和4年9月12日(月曜日) 「いろいろな昆虫」 3年担任 N.S.先生


This is a butterfly. It's purple, brown, white and black. It's cute. Thank you.
This is a beetle. It has six legs. It has two long horns. Thank you.
This is a bee. It's light blue and black. It has six legs. It's rare. Thank you.
This is a moth, yellow and pink. It's beautiful. Thank you.

Monday, September 12th, 2022 "Rare Insects" by Ms. N. S., a third-grade teacher


Good morning! I'm N., the homeroom teacher of 3-1. The third graders studied insects before summer vacation. In my class, students introduced their favorite insects to each other. Today I'm going to show you some of them. Do you know those insects? So, here we go!
Ohmurasaki (Giant Purple Butterfly) is a kind of butterfly, which is also the national butterfly of Japan. The male is about five centimeters big and has a glistening purple color. The female is a little larger than the male, but the color is brown. Once it was seen in Tokyo, too, but recently we cannot see any. I want the student who chose this insect to introduce it in English. Will you know what she is saying?
"This is a butterfly. It's purple, brown, white and black. It's cute. Thank you."
The following insect is the Hercules beetle. This beetle is seen in America; a large one is over eighteen centimeters long. It has powerful legs, so you must be careful when you put it in your hand. The long horns are cool! So, I want my student to introduce it in English.
"This is a beetle. It has six legs. It has two long horns. Thank you."
This is the Rurimon-hanabachi (a bright blue bee). You can see it in West Japan. It's an endangered species. As we can seldom see a bee as rare and beautiful, it is called "a bee that brings happiness." So, here's English introduction.
"This is a bee. It's light blue and black. It has six legs. It's rare. Thank you."
Lastly, I'll show you this colorful Momoiro-yamamayu (Japanese Pink Oak Silkmoth.) It is a moth with striking colors, but it isn't poisonous. I've never seen such a moth which is pink and yellow. Now please listen to the English introduction.
"This is a moth, yellow and pink. It's beautiful. Thank you."
Did you know those insects? Isn't it exciting to know about a rare creature? I want you to find your favorite insects and other animals and try to introduce them to your classmates.
That's all. Thank you for listening!

令和4年9月5日(月曜日) 「はかせのふしぎなプール」 図工専科・M.W.先生



Monday, September 5th, 2022 "The Doctor's Wacky Swimming Pool" by Mr. M. W., a art and craft teacher


In today's morning assembly, Mr. M. read a book, "The Doctor's Wacky Swimming Pool." (You can watch the video on "Parents' Only" site of our homepage.)

令和4年9月1日(木曜日) 「前期後半の始まりに」 川中子校長


 おはようございます。長い夏休みが終わり、今日から前期後半が始まります。みなさん元気に過ごせましたか? この夏休みは、コロナの感染は広まっていましたが、行動の制限がなかったので、3年ぶりの体験ができたという人も多いのではないでしょうか。コロナはこれまでにないくらい広がっていますので、残念ながら休み中にも熱が出たり、苦しい思いをしたりした人もいるでしょう。今回のコロナウイルスは子どもにうつりやすいようです。今日から学校が始まりましたので、改めて気をつけておきたいことをお話しします。
 大事なのは、自分で考えて、今はマスクをつけておくべきか、つける必要がないから外そうか、決められるようになることです。教育目標の「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になることですね。

Thursday, September 1st, 2022 "At the beginning of the latter half of the first semester" by Principal Kawanago


Good morning, everyone! The long summer vacation is over, and the latter half of the first semester has begun. How have you been? Although the pandemic of Covid-19 was spreading, we had no restrictions on our life during summer vacation. I believe many of you could have remarkable experiences after a few year absence.
The infection of the new variant of Covid 19 is widely spreading. Some of you might catch the virus, have a high fever, and suffer. The variant this time seems contagious to infants. I will talk about what we should be careful about at school, as the school has begun again.
First of all, you must take your temperature before coming to school. When you have a fever or feel a little different from usual, rest at home. You can come to school after you become well.
At school, wear your mask in the classroom when you talk to your teacher or classmates. Wash your hands with soap often. Keep distancing from others.
As you can see on this poster about mask-wearing, you don't have to wear a mask on your way to school and when you play with your friends and study outside. Remember to take off your masks in P.E. time, both on the ground and in the gym. You might have a heat stroke during exercise if you wear your mask. Take off your mask in P.E. class, OK? Also, you don't need your mask even in rooms where you stay silent, like when you read books quietly in the library.
What's most important is that you can choose when to put on and take off your mask. That's to become a person who learns, thinks, and acts independently, as stated in your school's educational goals.
From September, you'll have excursions, a sports day, and a music festival. With your school's educational goals, let us make our school life happy.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.




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