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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼 令和4年12月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week! Dec., 2022 のページです。


今週の朝礼 令和4年12月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week! Dec., 2022


朝礼の講話をご紹介します。     Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!

令和4年12月12日(月曜日) 「お札の肖像について」 3年担任Y.H.先生



Monday, December 12th, 2022 "Portraits on the Japanese Yen Notes" by Ms. Y.H., a third-grade teacher


Good morning. I'm Y., the homeroom teacher of 3-2. Today, I want to show you the people on Japanese Yen notes. It's the end of the year, and the new year will come within one month. You'll get Otoshidama, a new year's gift. You'll receive paper money, also called notes. Do you know that there is a portrait on each note?
The person on the 1,000 yen note is Noguchi Hideyo. He was a doctor who had a numb hand but tried his best to study as a doctor.
The person on the 5,000 yen note is Higuchi Ichiyo. Higuchi is a woman; 123 years have passed since the last woman was featured on Japanese notes.
The person on the 10,000 yen note is Fukuzawa Yukichi. The Fukuzawa note is twenty years older than the other two. Fukuzawa was the founder of Keio Gijuku University.
Now I've shown you three persons on Japanese Yen notes. However, the notes will be renewed in 2024, and the portraits will be changed, too. I'll introduce the people on those brand-new notes. Dr. Kitazawa Shibasaburo will be on the 1,000 yen note. He was a doctor like Noguchi Hideyo, and he found a new treatment method for a disease that was hard to cure.
Tsuda Umeko will be on the 5,000 yen note. She left Japan for the United States when she was only six. She studied English and foreign cultures.
Lastly, the 10,000 yen note will have Shibusawa Eiichi. He was the main character in the drama broadcast on NHK last year. What did he achieve?
Not only for the people I introduced to you today, but we can also see many things on coins and notes. You'll probably get a lot of money on New Year's Day. Don't waste your money! I want you to be curious about the things on coins and notes.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening!

令和4年12月5日(月曜日) 「風が吹いても眠れます」  川中子校長


「風が吹いても眠れます」 (フランクリン・コヴィ・ジャパン・エデュケーションチーム)
 ある晩、農夫はひどく驚いて目を覚ましました。外で、ものすごい強い風が吹き荒れていたのです。「大変だ! 急いで、強風に備えるぞ!」 農夫はホセの寝泊まりしている小屋に向かって叫びました。そして、走ってホセを呼びに行きましたが、何とホセはぐっすり眠っているではありませんか。
「こんな大変な時に、どうして眠っていられるんだ!」と、農夫は怒りました。「もういい! こうなったら一人でやるしかない!」
 さて、皆さん、この後どうなると思いますか? ちょっと近くの人と話してみてください。 では、続きを読みます。


Monday, December 5th, 2022 "You Can Sleep During A Storm" by Principal Kawanago


Good morning. It's already December, the last month of the year. School starts in April and ends in March. Everything has its turning point. At each turning point, we should look back at our past work and make it a chance to set a new goal for the future. Please try to look back at your year 2022 and the term after Summer Vacation.
So, today, I'll read you a story concerning being proactive. The story's title is "You Can Sleep During A Storm." It's a story about a large farm in Spain, which the Japanese soccer team competed against in the world cup football tournament. There appear two men, a farmer who owns a large farm and a young man named Jose, who the farmer employed. Here we go.
YOU CAN SLEEP DURING A STORM (Franklin Covey Japan Education Team)
The farmer asked Jose, who just came to look for a job, "What'll be good if I employ you?"
"You can sleep during a storm," Jose answered.
The farmer didn't understand what Jose said very well. However, he liked Jose's eyes full of confidence and employed him.
One evening, the farmer was amazed and woke up. He noticed a powerful wind outside. "My God! Let's prepare for the storm!" he yelled at the hut where Jose stayed. He ran to the shed and found Jose was sound sleeping. "Why can you sleep in this storm?!" he shouted angrily and said, "That's enough! I must do it alone!"
Well, students. What do you think will happen after this? Can you talk with your neighbors?
OK, I'll read the rest of the story.
It'll be a mess if tool implements for farming should be blown away. The farmer ran to the barn to lock the door tightly. There he found the doors already tied up firmly. So, the farmer went up to the hay and saw the hay was already covered with a sheet. Also, all the cattle, which were put out to the grass, were already in the fence.
Everything the farmer worried about was all done already. "What's going on here?" he wondered. Then he finally remembered what Jose had told him for the first time; "You can sleep during a storm."
A day before, Jose heard a rumor that a storm would come the next day. He thought about what he should do before the storm came by himself and did everything that evening. It was so natural that Jose, who had done everything before the farmer told him to, could sleep during the storm. (The End)
I want you to be like Jose, who learns, thinks, and acts independently instead of worrying when a matter happens or being forced to do it by other people.
That's all for today. Thank you for listening.




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