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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼 令和5年3月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week March, 2023 のページです。


今週の朝礼 令和5年3月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week March, 2023


朝礼の講話をお届けします。  Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!


 主体性というのは、1,2年生の人には難しい言葉ですが、簡単に言うと「自分で考えて、どうするか決めて、やってみるという態度」のことで、大事なポイントは「うまくいってもいかなくても、人のせいにしない」ってことです。自分で決めたこと責任をもつってことです。これは、教育目標の「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」のことですね。皆さんは、この1年、どれくらい「自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になれたでしょうか?
 令和5年3月24日 墨田区立第三吾嬬小学校長 川中子 登志雄

Friday, March 24th, 2023 "Principal's Address for The Closing Ceremony"


We had a graduation ceremony yesterday, and the sixth graders left school. They looked great! Also, the fifth graders took part in the ceremony. They behaved well, too. I was glad to see them like that.
So, the school year 2022-23 is over today. During this school year, I asked you to 'do by yourself, and from yourself,' and 'be proactive.' Especially in the latter half, I asked all the teachers to become 'unkind teachers.' When you asked questions to your teachers, they didn't answer, "OK, it's ...," but "What do you think?" or "How can you do that?" So, you had to think by yourself.
'Being proactive' is a little difficult for first and second-graders to understand. I'll make it easier. It means an attitude to think, choose what to do, and act independently. The critical point is that we must not blame someone else, even if it succeeded or failed. We must be responsible for our choice. This is the same as our school's educational goal: Independent - A person who thinks, learns, and acts independently. How close are you to that person now?
So, the spring vacation begins tomorrow. You'll come back on April 6th. Then, you will become one grade older. You'll receive the school report today. Please look back on the past school year while reading it. Also, make your own goal for the next school year! We'll make you more proactive.
The spring vacation is short. Stay safe. I'm looking forward to seeing you next April.
March 24th, 2023
Kawanago Toshio, Principal, Daisan-Azuma Elementary School, Sumida City, Tokyo

令和5年3月13日(月曜日) 「保健室より」 養護教諭・M・K先生


「2627」人、この数字はなんでしょう?これは、昨年4月〜今年2月までに、けが や病気で保健室へ来た児童の人数です。内訳は、けが 1746 人、病気 784 人、その他 97 人です。全校児童は 563 人なので、一人5回前後、80%程度の人が利用しています。 健康診断の時しか利用しない人もいますが、一人で 10 回・20 回以上利用している人も います。一生懸命取り組んでけがをした時は仕方がないと思いますが、急いだりふざけ たりしてけがをしたり、夜遅くまで起きていて体調をくずしたりすることはなかったで すか?大きなけがや病気をしてしまった人は、予防できることがなかったか、1年間の 行動(6年生は6年間分)を思い返してみてください。 もう1点、最近、1・2年生でも、保健室へ来た時に、自分のクラスや名前・帰る時 にお礼を言える人が増えていてうれしく思います。例えば「1年○組、○○です。体育 でぶつけたので冷やしてください」「2年○組○○です。お腹が痛いので、暖める物を 貸してください」などです。反対に、黙って立っていて、すぐに気がつかない時がたま にあります。痛い時や悲しい時は、なかなか「こうしてほしい」と言うことは難しいか もしれませんが、「どうしたの?」と聞かれたら「校庭で転びました」「頭が痛いです」 など、自分のことを言えるといいなと思います。 今の学年で学校へ通う日は、あと約1週間です。新しい学年も元気に過ごせるように、 この1年間を、健康に過ごせたかどうか、家の人とも振り返ってみてください。

Monday, March 13th, 2023 "From the School Nurse's Room" by Ms. M. K., the school nurse


Look at this number: 2627. What does it mean? Can you guess?
It's the number of students that came to the school nurse's room with sickness and injury from April last year to February this year.
One thousand seven hundred forty-six students got injured. Seven hundred eighty-four students were sick. Ninety-seven students came for other reasons. We have five-hundred and sixty-three students in our school. That number means an average of each student going five times to the school nurse's room-about eighty percent of all the students.
Some only come for regular medical checks, but some come ten or twenty times yearly.
Look back on your past life. Did you hurry unnecessarily or play too rough? Did you stay up late at night, making you get sick? Those who got sick or injured should look back on their daily life.
I want to tell you one more thing. I'm glad that more and more students can state their names and classes and say thank you when leaving the nurse's room. For example, "I'm so and so of 1-1. I bumped my leg in P.E. class. I want it to be cooled." "I'm so and so of 2-1. I have a stomach ache. Please lend me something warm." On the contrary, some students stand silently, so I don't notice them. I know it's difficult to tell someone what you want them to do when you're sick or injured. So, at least, answer me when asked, "What's wrong?" It'll be better if you can say, "I fell on the ground," or "I have a headache."
You have only one more week to come to school this school year. Talk about your health with your family to stay healthy next school year too.

令和5年3月6日(月曜日) 引継式


Monday, March 6th, 2023
We had the ceremony to take over sixth graders' duties to fifth graders in the morning assembly, which was postponed from February.




住所:〒131-0041 八広二丁目36番3号
Copyright(C) Daisanazuma Elementary School. All rights reserved.