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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 過年度の記事 の中の 今週の朝礼  令和4年10月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week, Oct. 2022 のページです。


今週の朝礼  令和4年10月  Morning Assembly Speeches of the Week, Oct. 2022


朝礼の講話をご紹介します。  Here you can read the morning assembly speeches of the week!

10月17日(月曜日) 「初めてのドキドキ」 1年担任S.K.先生


1年3組のSです。後期が始まって、2週間経ちました。前期が終わるときには、前期に楽しかったことは何かな、がんばったことは何かな? そんなことを振り返ったと思います。そして、その時に、ちょっと考えてみてください。ドキドキした事って、なかったですか? 特に1年生は、初めての小学校で、全部がはじめてのことでドキドキしたと思います。今、先生もドキドキしています。初めての事って、ドキドキするし、こわいし、逃げたくなってしまうときもあります。でも、みんな、はじめてっていうのをやって来ている。学校の中でも、初めての日直、初めての給食当番、少し大きくなっていくと、初めてのクラブ活動、初めての委員会活動というのもあります。そんなとき、初めてって言うときはドキドキしてしまいます。

Monday, October 17th, 2022   "The First Experiences" by Ms. S. K., a first-grade teacher


I'm S. of 1-3. It's been two weeks since the second semester began. I believe you reviewed what you enjoyed when the first semester ended and tried your best during the first semester. Did you feel nervous? Especially for the first-grade students, everything was your first experience in elementary school; you must have been worried. Now, I feel a little nervous, too. Any first experience makes us nervous, scared, and feel like running away. However, everyone has had those 'first experiences.' At school, the first day duty, the first lunch service, and so on. You'll have your first club activity and committee meeting when you get older. You'll be nervous then, too.
We'll have the P.E. Presentation Day this weekend. It'll be a bigger event than last year. You'll have some 'first experiences.' You'll probably wait for the turn of your race nervously. Yet, you had good memories that you achieved during the first semester.
You'll have some significant events like the P.E. Presentation Day and the Music Presentation Day soon. Though you feel a little nervous, "Don't give up and try your best!" as you see written on the gym windows. I hope you'll try your best. Good luck! That's all.

令和4年10月17日(月曜日) 「自分のリーダーって誰?」 手山副校長先生


「私は、リーダーだよ!」って言う人はいますか?はあ。リーダーって、一体、誰? リーダー? 例えば、麦わらの海賊団のリーダーって誰だ?(ルフィー!) そう。麦わらの海賊団のリーダーは、船長・モンキー・D・ルフィー! ルフィーは仲間のことを思って、一緒に戦ったり、励まし合ったり、時には大いに笑ったりします。えっ?じゃあ、学校のリーダーって、誰?(校長先生!)ピンポン! 川中子校長先生。第三吾嬬小学校がどういうことを大切にしていくのか、ということをしっかりと考えています。えっ?学校のリーダーって、校長先生だけ…か? (いろいろな答え)ジャーン! 6年生! あっ、君正解だね! 6年生は、実は、みんなのことを考えて、行動に移してくれています。体育学習発表会のことも、いろいろな係でがんばってくれます。そうか。○○のリーダーはルフィー。学校のリーダーは校長先生や6年生。えっ?じゃあ、僕のリーダーって誰? 僕のリーダー! 僕のリーダー! どこにいるの? (手山先生のお面をかぶった人が登場)えー、君は一体、誰?

Monday, October 17th, 2022    "Who is MY leader?" by Vice Principal Teyama


Good morning. Today, the sixth-grade students have gone on an outing. That's why the fifth-grade students recited the school's educational goals now. The principal has also gone with the sixth graders, so I will give you a speech today. Today I'll talk about "Who is MY leader?"
Do you think of yourself, "I'm a leader!"? Well, well. Anyway, who is a 'leader?' For example, who is the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates? (Sts: "Luffy!") That's right. The leader of the Straw Hat Pirates is Monkey D. Luffy, the captain. Luffy thinks of his mates, fights with them, encourages them, and laughs with them.
OK, then, who is the leader of our school? (Sts: "The principal!") Ding, ding! Yes, Principal Kawanago is. He thinks of where we should head for. However, is the principal the only leader of our school? (Sts: Many other answers.) Ta-dah! The sixth graders are! (You are right!) You know, they think about us, and do what they should do.
So, the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates is Luffy. The leaders of our school are Principal Kawanago and the sixth graders. Then, who is the leader of me? My leader! Where are you? My leader! (There appeared a man wearing a mask of Mr. Teyama's face.)
Oh, who on earth are you?
Me? I am you!
Are you my leader?
Yes, I am. Your leader is yourself.
That's because you decide what you do, right?
Oh, yes. I decide what I do. Am I my leader?
What I want you to think with me today is... you must think about yourself. You have the responsibility about you. That's what I want to tell you. Yes. Students! Your leader is yourself!
Today I talked about our own leaders. Thank you.
(You can watch the video on the "Parents' Only" site.)

令和4年10月11日(火曜日) 令和4年度後期始業式式辞  川中子校長


 やっと、こうやって、全校児童がみんなで集まってお話をすることができるようになりました。本当にうれしく思います。 さあ、今日から令和4年度の後期が始まります。 先週、前期の終業式で、今年は教育目標の中でも「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」を達成できるようにがんばろうというお話をしました。 自分のことは自分で考えて、決めて、自分から実行する。そして、自分の行動には責任をもつ。このような態度を「主体的である」と言います。後期はぜひ、皆さんには、この主体的であることを、習慣にしてもらいたいと思います。 習慣というのは、例えば、皆さんは朝起きたら顔を洗いますよね。ご飯を食べた後に歯を磨きますよね。そのように毎日、意識しなくともできるようになることを「習慣」と言います。鉛筆の正しい持ち方なども、習慣になっている人は、どんなときでも自然に正しく持てるものです。「自ら学び、考え、行動する」ことが、何も意識しなくともできるようになるために、はじめは、常に「自分で、自分から」を意識して生活するようにしましょう。 私は先生たちにも、皆さんが自分で考えて行動できるようになるよう、「不親切な先生になってください」とお願いしました。ですから、もう、先生が親切に、何でもやってくれる、教えてくれるとは思わないでください。もちろん、先生は皆さんのことを助けてくれます。でも、「先生、これどうしたらいいですか?」と聞いたとき、すぐに「こうしたらいいよ」とは教えないようにしてくださいとお願いしました。きっと先生は「どうしたらいいと思う?」と言うと思います。だから皆さんは、自分で考えて「こうしてみようかと思います。」と言えるようになってください。 勉強もそうですが、それ以外の生活面でも、自分で考えて行動する機会はたくさんあります。後期には、体育学習発表会や音楽学習発表会、校外学習など、大きな行事もたくさんあります。そんな時こそ、「自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になれるようがんばってみてください。先生たちは、皆さんのそんな頑張りを全力で応援するつもりです。 これからだんだん寒い季節になっていきます。今年の冬は、コロナだけでなく、インフルエンザもはやりそうだと予想されているそうです。健康には十分に気をつけ、元気に過ごせるようにしてください。 それでは、後期も、みんなでがんばりましょう! これでお話を終わります。

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022   The Opening Ceremony for The Second Semester by Principal Kawanago


We can finally see each other's faces and have an assembly together. I'm delighted now.
So, today we'll begin the second semester of the 2022-23 school year.
Last Friday, I told you that we would do our best to achieve one of our school's educational goals: Independence - A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently.
To think by myself, decide by myself, and act by myself. To have responsibility for my deeds. We call these attitudes 'being proactive.' I'm hoping you can make it your habit in the second semester.
A 'habit' is, for example, washing your face when you wake up in the morning; or brushing your teeth after breakfast. Like those, we call the actions we can do without consciousness 'habits.' The one who has a habit of holding a pencil properly always holds a pencil properly.
To learn, think, and act independently, you must always be conscious of 'By yourself, from yourself,' until you get into the habit.
I've also asked your teachers to be 'unkind teachers' to let you be proactive. So, don't think your teachers will do everything for you. Of course, they'll help you, but when you ask your teachers, "What can I do about this?" they won't tell you instantly, "You can do like this!" I've asked them not to; instead they'll say, "What do you think you can do about it?" So, please become able to say, "I think I'll try it like this."
You'll have plenty of opportunities to be proactive not only about studying but also about your school life. We'll have the P.E. Presentation Day, the Music Presentation Day, outings, etc, in the second semester. Please try to become a person who learns, thinks, and acts independently. Your teachers will fully support your efforts.
It'll be colder and colder from now on. It is predicted that both Covid-19 and Influenza will spread this winter. Take care and stay safe!
Let's do our best for the second semester! That's all. Thank you.

令和4年10月7日(金曜日) 前期終業式  川中子校長


 さて、今年度も、皆さんには、教育目標「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」「共生 思いやりをもち、共に生きる人」「健康 しなやかで丈夫なこころとからだをもつ人」を目指してがんばりましょう、特に、今年はみんなで「自立」を意識して生活しましょうとお話ししました。7月に行ったアンケート調査の結果、「自立」を意識して生活できていると答えた人は85%で、ほとんどの人がよくがんばっているということが分かりましたが、これは「共生」や「健康」の目標に比べると、少し低い結果でした。

Friday, October 7th, 2022   The First Semester Closing Ceremony Address   by Principal Kawanago


The first semester of this school year will be over today. During this half a year, we knew better about coronavirus and began to act freer than before. Since early summer last year, many school students have gotten infected with Covid-19. However, in September, there were days we had 0 infected students. I hope the Covid-19 infections subside soon.
At the beginning of this school year, I told you to try to achieve your school educational goals; "Independence - A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently," "Living Together - A person who lives together with empathy," and "Health - A person who has a supple and strong mind and body." Especially for this school year, I have wanted you to try "Independence." According to the result of the questionnaire that we took in July, 85% of students tried to live consciously on "Independence." We knew most of you were trying your best, but the percentage was slightly lower than those of "Living Together" and "Health."
To think, decide, and act by yourself. To have responsibility for what you do. We call this kind of attitude "being proactive." I want all of you to make it your habit to be proactive. I'll talk about this in the second semester, too.
Today each of you will receive a school report from your homeroom teachers. They precisely wrote what you had tried hard on studying and how your school life was during the first semester. When you get home, please read it carefully with your parents and reflect on what you did in the first semester. Also, make your goals for the second semester. Decide what you will try hard to do and how you will do it yourself.
Lastly, I'll inform you of one thing. We have had online assemblies in your classrooms from three years ago until today. I have decided to have all the assemblies on the grounds or gym from the second semester. The first, second, and third graders have not experienced it. Next Tuesday, we'll have time to check how we do it.
I'm glad that you did an excellent job this semester. That's all for today.

令和4年10月3日(月曜日) 「命 最も大切なもの」 川中子校長


私は今年は朝礼で、教育目標『自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人』についてお話ししてきましたが、今日は、ちょっと話題を変えて、このごろ私がずっと考えている大切なお話をします。

Monday, October 3rd, 2022   "Life - The Most Precious Thing of All" by Principal Kawanago


Good morning, everyone.
I talked about "Independence - A Person who learns, thinks, and acts independently," one of the school's educational goals, for Monday Morning Assembly speeches. Still, today, I will talk about what I have been thinking of these days, which is very important.
OK, everyone. What's the most important thing in your life? You may have a lot of important things, but if you have to choose only one thing, that must be your life. All the creatures live by the life that is so precious. Your life is more important than any other thing. As well, the lives of other people are very important. Not only human beings. Animals, plants, and tiny, tiny creatures' lives that we can't even see. We would like to be 'A Person Who Lives Together with Empathy' for those precious lives.
By the way, I have just told you that life is important. Why? Why do you think life is important? I think that's because life is finite; life is only once. If we lose life, we'll never be alive again. No matter how great and rich we might be, the day we die will surely come someday. We have been born to become happy. So, we should cherish the life given to us and be grateful for being alive.
I'll tell you something. In May this year, my father, daddy, passed away. He was eighty-four years old. My father was a carpenter. When I was small, once I saw he was building a house. I remember he drove a nail this long with a 'tap-tap-tap!' in three or four strokes of a hammer, which surprised me and made me proud of him. After his death, I realized that I learned many important things from him. He died of disease. Just like a car, or a machine, my father's body, who was a carpenter, seemed to be very old and stopped working.
On one fine morning in May, I felt that he had gone somewhere we couldn't see, taking off his old body. Although I felt very sad and lonely, I thought his death itself was not bad. It was very natural, I felt. It was like a butterfly came out of its chrysalis and flew away.
Yet, of course, the death of someone you love is tough and sad. Our life is ours, but not only 'ours.' I want you to remember that.
By the way, Chocolat, the rabbit, that everyone likes is not very well these days. Chocolat is eight years old. Compared with human age, he is very, very old. He must get tired easily and take a rest quietly. I believe his life in this world may be running out. I want you to be kind to him and cheer him. Saying "Thank you" and "I love you!" will comfort him.
I'm afraid some of you may feel sad or scared to hear my story. Then, you'll be all right if you tell your feeling to your parents and teachers; Ms. H. and Ms. M., our school counselors , will listen to you, too. You can come to my office to talk to me, too.
Thank you very much for listening to my story today.




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