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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 令和6年度 今週の朝礼 のページです。


令和6年度 今週の朝礼


令和6年4月 April 2024





Today, I'll talk about one of the things I want everyone to work hard on this academic year: learning. Do you all like "benkyo(studying)"?
The word "勉強(benkyo, to study)" is written in kanji to mean striving(勉) and forcing oneself(強). It refers to persevering and making an effort even when faced with unpleasant tasks. Not many people enjoy that kind of effort.
However, because we are human beings, we need to learn various things and become wiser to live as humans. "Being wise" means using what we've learned effectively when faced with challenges. Additionally, for humans, learning and becoming wiser can be enjoyable.
Traditional school classes mainly involved silently listening to the teacher's teaching and memorizing information for homework. Students must pay close attention to the teacher, take thorough notes, and diligently work on assigned homework at home. Such was considered the "good student" way of studying.
But in reality, many people found this approach to studying quite dull.
Therefore, teachers consider whether they can transform school classes into more proactive and enjoyable learning experiences. It would be great if everyone could minimize the time spent passively listening to the teacher and instead engage in thinking, discussing with peers, and teaching each other to advance their learning. This shift from quiet "lessons" to dynamic "learning time" involves freely moving around, discussing with friends, and using your brain to study at school.
Today, I've talked about a new approach to learning.
Next time, I'll talk about initiatives to make you more proactive.

令和6年4月15日(月曜日) 対面式・校長の話、表彰


 今年度も私たちは、自立・共生・健康の学校教育目標の達成を目指してがんばっていきます。特に、「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」になれるように、新たな取組を行っていきます。4月の朝礼で、私から皆さんにがんばってほしいことをお話ししますので、しっかり受け止めてほしいと思います。


Today, Daisan-Azuma Elementary School for the 2024 academic year officially started with the addition of 89 first-grade students, bringing the total student body to 545. During last week's entrance ceremony, the second graders welcomed the new first graders with lively songs and musical performances. The sixth graders also played a significant role in preparing the venue and guiding the first graders. The parents of new students and honored guests, as well as the first graders, were delighted very much.
As I mentioned during the entrance ceremony for the new students, last Saturday was the anniversary of the founding of Daisan-Azuma Elementary School. Born from the aspirations of the people in this Yahiro Town on April 13th, 1875, the school has reached the remarkable age of 149. It has a rich and lengthy history. You are all studying at a school with a deep tradition and heritage. Next year, we will celebrate the 150th anniversary, and I hope you'll think about how we can commemorate it together. Let's explore exciting possibilities throughout this academic year.
This year, we will continue to strive toward achieving our educational goals: "Independence," "Living Together," and "Health." In particular, we will focus on fostering individuals who can learn, think, and act independently. During the April morning assembly, I will share what I hope you'll work hard on, so please take it to heart.
Today marks the first morning assembly with our new students. I've talked about the anniversary of the founding of Daisan-Azuma Elementary School. Next week, I'll talk about learning methods. That's all for today. Thank you for listening.

令和6年4月8日(月曜日) 「始業式 式辞」  Monday, April 8th, 2024 "The Opening Ceremony Address" by Principal Kawnago


自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人
共生 思いやりをもち、共に生きる人
健康 しなやかで丈夫なこころとからだをもつ人

Good morning. Spring break has ended, and you have all moved up one grade. Congratulations on your promotion! This year, the entrance ceremony will be held on the 10th. We have 545 students, including 89 new first-year students and two transfer students, whom I will introduce later.

At the beginning of the Reiwa 6th academic year, I want to share an important message about our school's educational goals. Let's start by stating these goals together:

  1. Independence: A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently.
  2. Living Together: A person who lives together with Empathy.
  3. Health: A person who has a resilient and strong mind and body.

Please remember and live by these three pillars throughout this year. As I've mentioned since last year, I want all of you to be proactive individuals. In the coming year, we will implement various initiatives to empower you to take charge of your learning and growth. Remember, everything begins "with yourself, from yourself."

I believe in each of you. Let's work together to make this school year even more enjoyable than before. Starting today, let's make our school life lively and fun!




住所:〒131-0041 八広二丁目36番3号
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