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現在のページ 第三吾嬬小学校 の中の 学校の紹介 の中の 校長あいさつ Greetings from Principal のページです。


校長あいさつ Greetings from Principal


令和6年度 開校149周年

       校長  川中子 登志雄

Welcome to our website!
I am KAWANAGO Toshio, the 25th principal of Daisan-Azuma Elementary School, Sumida Ward, Tokyo. This is my 7th year at this school.
DaisanーAzuma Elementary School was established on April 13th, 1875, by the earnest desire of the people of the surrounding village, who wanted their children to be educated at school. It is 149 years old this year. During that long history, the school suffered severe hardships like the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Great Air Raid over Tokyo during the Second World War. However, the people who loved the school always protected and supported it. San-azu-sho is a school that has been developed by/with the people of this town.
I will try to improve this school by following its educational goals: "Independence," "Living Together," and "Health." Also, 'being proactive' is our motto.
I want your kind understanding and support for a good school education.


Principal, Daisan-Azuma Elementary School, Sumida City, Tokyo

校長室にて(Apr. 2024)

学校教育目標 The School Educational Goals



We have revised our school educational goals, which had been set for more than a half century; adapting to the beginning of the new era, in April, 2019!

Daisan-Azuma Elementary School Educational Goals (Established in 2019)

INDEPENDENCE: A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently
LIVING TOGETHER: A person who lives together with Empathy
HEALTH: A person who has a resilient and strong mind and body


令和5年度 卒業式 校長式辞

令和6年3月22日(金曜日) 令和5年度卒業式 校長式辞(その2)

 それと、最上級生となり、教育目標「自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人」のもと、「主体的であること」をめざして頑張ってきたこの一年。皆さんが、学習や生活の中で、自分たちで考えて、行動する姿を見られたことは、私にとってもこの上ない喜びでした。特に、運動会「三吾スポーツフェスティバル」での皆さんの活躍。あの、生き生きと光輝く皆さんの表情は忘れられません。
              墨田区立第三吾嬬小学校長 川中子登志雄

Being a public school principal typically involves staying at one school for about five years before moving to another. However, since welcoming all of you six years ago and until today, I have witnessed your growth at Daisan-Azuma Elementary School. And now, I am sending you off as remarkable individuals. I genuinely feel fortunate.
However, these six years spent with you were not always easy or joyful. Especially starting around February 2020, during your second-grade year, the various restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic deprived you of regular learning and growth opportunities - an unacceptable situation. Nevertheless, we all managed to overcome that challenge.
One of my fondest memories with you all is the Nasu Kashi camping during fifth grade. Those three days involved climbing up and down, and, while it was undoubtedly challenging, we had many delightful experiences.
As sixth graders, you've worked hard under the educational goal of "Independence: A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently." Witnessing your ability to think and act independently in your studies and daily life brought me immense joy. Your remarkable performances during the "San-Azu Sports Festival" remain unforgettable -the lively and radiant expressions on your faces.
Remember, true strength lies in making choices and decisions proactively, not merely doing what others tell you. As you move forward in life, always maintain this proactive attitude. Being proactive is essential for creating your happiness. Continuously strive to learn, think, and make the right choices. It's okay to fail or make mistakes. When you live proactively, even failures become stepping stones toward your happiness.
To our honorable guests, thank you for taking the time to witness the bright future of our graduating students and celebrating with us today. Their impressive growth is undoubtedly thanks to your support. After graduation, please continue to watch over these students warmly.
To my fellow parents, congratulations on your child's graduation. Armed with what they've learned in elementary school, these graduates will excel in their respective paths and create happy lives. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the school's education thus far. Thank you very much.
Now, to the graduating students: Everything you need as a foundation for your future lives - "Independence," "Living Together," and "Health" - you've learned all during elementary school. These goals will undoubtedly guide you toward the right path when making choices. Proceed with confidence, and may you find happiness in the journey ahead.
Congratulations on your graduation.
      March 22nd, 2024
                         Kawanago Toshio,
              Principal, Daisan Azuma Elementary School, Sumida City, Tokyo

令和6年3月21日(木曜日) 卒業式予行 校長式辞(その1)

自立 自ら学び、考え、行動する人
共生 思いやりをもち、共に生きる人
健康 しなやかで丈夫なこころとからだをもつ人
 皆さんが4年生の時は、コロナ禍のまっただ中で、様々な行動制限がありました。自由に楽しむことができず、苦しい思いをしている皆さんを見て、私は学校を明るくしたいと思い、歌を作りました。そして、皆さんに呼び掛けて合唱団を作り、皆さんが歌っている姿をユーチューブにアップしました。『教育目標のうた』を、覚えていますか? あの歌の歌詞に、私は、皆さんに一番伝えたかった願いをこめました。
 さあ。卒業生の皆さん。私がこの6年間で、皆さんに伝えたかったこと、身に付けてほしかったことは、すべて、この教育目標に入っています。この目標は、このカードをくれた代表の3人が書いてくれたように、私自身も、これからも一生大切にしていきたい目標です。これからも、自立 共生 健康 を忘れずに精進し、幸せになってください。
                      墨田区立第三吾嬬小学校長 川中子登志雄

The Principal's Graduation Ceremony Address 2024 (Part 1)
During the Thank-you Party you and your parents organized the other day, three students created this lovely card and gave it to me on behalf of the sixth-grade students. Here's what it says:
"Thank you for the past six years. Principal, you arrived at San-Azu Elementary School at the same time as us. We appreciate your efforts in organizing various events and establishing rules for us students. We believe that the educational goals will continue to guide us. Truly, thank you."
Upon reading this, I felt delighted. It became clear that you've learned the most important things during your time at this school.
I arrived at Daisan Azuma Elementary School in April 2018, the same year you all entered. Observing you and the other students, I pondered what would be the most important thing for you. Through discussions with fellow teachers and community members, we created new educational goals, which we announced in the spring when you became second graders.
  Independence: A person who learns, thinks, and acts independently.
  Living Together: A person who lives together with empathy.
  Health: A person who has a resilient and strong mind and body.
Throughout this year, all of you, as representatives of the entire student body, reminded us of these educational goals every week. Thanks to your efforts, every student can articulate our educational goals. Only a few schools in Japan can boast that all their students know their school's educational goals. I am immensely proud of you.
Now, let's discuss the three principles: Independence, Living Together, and Health. Each is equally important, and it's challenging to say which one takes precedence.
When you were fourth graders, we were in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing various restrictions. Witnessing your struggles and inability to enjoy life freely, I decided to brighten the school. I composed a song and formed a choir, capturing your singing moments on YouTube. Do you remember the "Song of The Educational Goals"? In its lyrics, I embedded my deepest wishes:
"Now, we need the ability to learn and think independently.
Let's gather the courage to act when we believe something is right.
We need resilient minds and bodies, even when faced with adversity.
Above all, let's become people who live together with empathy."
Interestingly, someone among you pointed out, "The lyrics are odd. Incorrect." It was because I had written, "Above all, Living Together is essential." Although I genuinely believed it then, receiving that feedback made me reconsider.
So, here's my question to all of you: If you had to prioritize between Independence, Living Together, and Health, which one would you choose? Fifth graders, too, discuss this with those around you.
Thank you. That student's comment guided me toward the path our school should take. While you already know my answer, I'll reveal it tomorrow.
Now, to the graduating students: Everything I wanted to convey to you during these six years is encapsulated in these educational goals. Just like the three representatives who wrote this card, I will cherish these goals throughout my life, too.
Keep striving for Independence, Living Together, and Health, and may you find happiness along the way.
Thursday, March 21st, 2024
Kawanago Toshio
Principal, Daisan Azuma Elementary School, Sumida City, Tokyo

過年度 卒業式校長式辞 The Principal's Addresses for the Graduation Ceremony, 2019-22


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